Saturday, February 26, 2011

These are officially the last winter photos I'm putting up....

... cause I've decided it's time for spring (and I'm really tired of winter and the cold!!)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


This weekend I finally found the time to bake bread again :-) I've been meaning to bake real rye bread like you can buy it in the bakeries in Austria for a while. Although it wasn't exactly very easy to make I am very pleased with the result. Its not perfect yet and I think that next time I might decrease the first fermentation time to only 12 hours and add at least one tablespoon of honey. I also might switch the whole wheat flour for regular flour.

The recipe was based on this one but I made some changes and ended up with the following recipe.

Rye sourdough

* 115 g rye flour
* 115 g water
* 1 package of sourdough starter (I recently discovered that in a store)


* Sourdough
* 250 g rye flour (I needed quite a bit more because it was impossible to knead the dough)
* 50 whole wheat flour
* 25 g regular flour
* 240 g water
* 5 g instant yeast
* 10 g salt
* 1 tbsp molasses

Mix all the ingredients for the sour dough and let mature for 12-15 hours at room temperature. Knead all the ingredients for the main dough and the sour dough starter for about 5 minutes. The result is an extremely soft and sticky dough. Let the dough rest for 30 minutes. Then put the dough into a well floured basket and let sit for about 40 minutes. Bake at 250 ° C for about 40 minutes.


Stift Zwettl